Tag Archive for: confidence

Today’s affirmation:

I am GREAT because I deal with 10,000 people’s ignorance and hopelessness and discouragement and unconscious indoctrination and I move the needle forward anyways.

Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.

the Dude abides

From Uncle Dwight at Courageous Kitchen:

“Either you dwell on people’s feedback and you don’t do it, or you knock on every f****n door until you get a couple people to say yes…” –Gary Vaynerchuk at RISE Conference, Hong Kong

BTW – I’m raising money for Courageous Kitchen, and I pitched in the first $55, go here to make a donation, plus see their upcoming Austin cookout and enter for a FREE trip to Bangkok!

I’ve been enjoying Joe Rogan’s musings for quite a while now. It might sound strange, if you remember Rogan from News Radio or Fear Factor, but the stand up comedian turned actor turned UFC commentator has made a lot of personal transformation since those days, and has quite a lot of interesting perspective to share on life.

His Joe Rogan Experience podcast is jam-packed with fascinating interviews and inspiration. Here are a couple great episodes with Tim Ferriss, Anthony Bourdain, Graham Hancock, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson… if you listen for long, you’ll find the JRE is full of gems. One of my favorite sayings Joe has coined is about being the hero of your own movie, or your own epic story. That resonates perfectly with what we’re all about here at Thrilling Heroics.

If your life was a movie and it started now, what would the hero of your life’s movie do right now?

Watch this great short video featuring Joe Rogan on the Onnit site if it doesn’t appear above for you.

“We define ourselves far too often by our past failures. That’s not you. You are this person right now. You’re the person who has learned from those failures. Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.”

—Joe Rogan

Ready to Be the HERO of Your Own Story?

(Onnit is a sponsor of the JRE podcast that specializes in fitness equipment, balanced nootropics, foods and supplements for human optimization, both in sports and in mental performance, and Rogan is a part-owner in the company.)