Leaders Wanted

A Business and Personal Accelerator for the 21st Century

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Since 2010, our team has helped develop and grow over 1,000 businesses of all sizes, and connected entrepreneurs, students, and investors across 6 continents.


  • 100% Data-Secure Professional Social Network
  • Members-Only Smartphone App & Private Chat
  • Regular LIVE Mindset + Wealth Training Broadcasts
  • 4 Pillars Baseline Assessment, Vision Roadmap + 90-Day Goal-Setting Exercises
  • “Hero’s Journey” Leadership & Personal Mastery Series

Results that Speak for Themselves

  • Dwight Turner – Founder, Courageous Kitchen Inc.

    “I’m on my way to building the business that will allow me to pursue my purpose … Mentoring and masterminding have been extremely helpful… I’m confident in the work that I’m doing, and seeing results is extremely rewarding.

  • Samantha Alvarez – Sales Coach and DNA Alumna

    “Cody has almost single-handedly been responsible for my successful launch into location independent working and living.”

  • Zach Obront – Co-Founder, Scribe Writing

    Cody is a superhero. His excitement to share his wisdom about business and life helped me break through obstacles again and again over the past four months. If you want to escape your false constraints and live life on your own terms, you’d do well to listen to him.

  • Zachary Stockill – Humans in Love podcast

    “Cody could not have been more helpful during my time working with him. Creative, thoughtful, and responsive, Cody helped to expand my business, gain new clients, and implement effective internet marketing strategies that have increased my sales and revenue.

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Submit Your Information for Early Access

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This is your special invitation to be one of the first to join the new Foundry Accelerator platform before it is opened to the public. We’re finally inviting all DNA Alumni who have been a part of our program since 2010 to join our new, improved global network and help us co-create an empowering, interactive community dedicated to Growth, Learning, and Expansion across Mindset, Health, Wealth, and Relationships.

We want to connect with you!  Submit your details below:





Want to Take It FURTHER?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23ffffff” bottom_padding=”50″ width=”800″]At the inner core of the Foundry, a small group of ambitious students gather EVERY WEEK to learn directly from Cody and hold each other accountable on their goals and growth targets. As we enter Q4, we’re rolling out the fifth iteration of the popular 90-day HERO Challenge MasterMind, specifically for those of you who already have an early-stage web-based business that you want to take to the next level.

Start YOUR Journey with a Small Circle of Fellow Leaders (limited to 6 members) Beginning November 5th for a Modern Initiation — and register with the button below for HERO Challenge 05!


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We Want to See You Succeed

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” bottom_padding=”50″ width=”800″]We’re here to help.
Join forces with a private network of like-minded entrepreneurs who will support and hold you accountable as you supercharge your business in the year ahead![/text_block]

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