Entries by Cody McKibben

A Call to Arms

What is your Great Work? The thing that’s been calling you, for months, maybe years? Your Holy Grail, you’re Philosopher’s Stone? If you’re stuck on the path toward glory, here’s a short Invocation to Beginnings when it’s time to start a new endeavor…

Clear Skies

Immerse yourself in the rapture of music.
You know what you love.
Go there.
Tend to each note, each chord,
Rising up from silence and dissolving again…

32 Maxims for Men

Maxims help guide men when we encounter unexpected or difficult situations in life. If there was a rulebook for “How to Man”, here are the 32 rules Dr. Jordan Peterson, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto and clinical psychologist, would include.

Jordan Peterson and the Rules to Win the Game of Life

He has been labelled a Nazi, a white supremacist, and a champion of the deplorable “Alt-right” by his critics. Dr. Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, and a working clinical psychotherapist, has also been — essentially — my preacher for the last several months.

Transform Your Hell Into Paradise

“We’re in a freefall into the future. We don’t know where we’re going. Things are changing so fast, and always when you’re going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. And all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a VOLUNTARY act. It’s a very […]

The Road Not Taken

As I sit looking out the window at the mountain, bathed in heavenly rays of light as the sun begins its journey downward to slowly disappear over the summit, I face a situation I have put myself in what feels like a million times before…

The Season of Transformation

We recently returned from celebrating my 33rd birthday in my favorite beach paradise on earth with a wonderful group of close friends. The Springtime is a natural time to focus on themes of rebirth and growth, so we celebrated with a Heroic Spring Break to rejuvenate the soul, reset, and reconnect – with our bodies and with Nature.

Blessing In Disguise

There once was a farmer, whose only horse broke free and ran away. All the neighbors came to lament his bad fortune, “Your horse ran away, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.” This Chinese fable of the farmer and his horse illustrates how seeming bad fortune can often be a blessing in disguise.

Forty Foundational Principles to Live By

In seeking principles to live by, I’ve not come across a better, more comprehensive example than these shared by Dr. Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, in response to the question: “What are the most valuable things everyone should know?”