Tag Archive for: sick day

We all get sick. It’s a part of life.

About four or five days ago, my brand new running routine that I’ve been trying to keep up 3 or 4 days a week finally irritated my asthma (something that hasn’t bothered me for several years since I was a kid). I was in the emergency room until 4:30 a.m. Saturday morning on a breathing device, and then finally checked out with an inhaler, etc. Unfortunately I am still struggling to get a deep breath, so I chose to take a sick day from work today until I can get in to see my regular doctor tomorrow for follow-up at 11. (I’m hoping they can prescribe me something a little more preventative!)

Aside from my hopes and wishes, it’s very difficult for me to concentrate on work when I feel like I’m struggling for breath—plus I need to relax my body and get my mind off my breathing as much as possible—so I chose to stay home. While it is hard to concentrate on things, that doesn’t mean I can’t get things done! A day off from work is always an opportunity. So, the first thing I did after I slept in a little and called my doctor was read Patricia’s “How To Use A Sick Day To Change Your Life” at A Better You Blog. I figured this would be a great kickstart for my lazy day at home. She says, “Stay on track. Do not use your illness as an excuse to be derailed from your path in life.” Instead, she offers 10 examples of how you can make a sick day a productive and successful day! Here are a few of my favorite excerpts:

“You will be healthier if your mind thinks constructive and uplifting thoughts. When you are sick in bed is not the time to consider all the things you cannot do. Instead, make a deal with yourself to think only about what you CAN do.”

“Dream. What would you do if you could change your life? Use your sick day, a day away from your typical routine, to consider your life course. Set goals and aim high. Think big. It is okay, no one will laugh. And no one will even know if you stay quiet. Consider telling someone your dreams, goals, and aspirations. You may find encouragements in surprising places. Then take action. Are you stuck with an extended illness? Consider how you can use the time to help others. The biggest cancer fundraisers began with one person considering what to do to influence the world. What about you?”

“Grow, create, and expand. Before your day is over, enrich your life. Learn something new. Watch a documentary or “how to” show on television. Read a book about a subject you do not know. Browse the internet to learn what you do not typically seek out. Evaluate your life purpose, your measure of success, and consider your sphere of influence. Create a post for your blog if you have one, or express yourself through whatever medium your talent allows. You can be very productive while your body rests. You can even change your life. Do it today.”

So, after reading this insightful post, here are a few goals I have set for myself for today:

  • To blog about my sick day. Check!
  • Put the time I have to the best use and finish up a group project I’m working on strong!
  • Read a back issue of Vanity Fair (the Green Issue) to expand my knowledge.
  • Possibly catch up on balancing my checkbook and polishing my budget if there is time.

What will you do with your next sick day?

How To Use A Sick Day To Change Your Life at A Better You Blog