Currently in: Sacramento, CA
We are in the midst a number of major life transitions right now. Working through Jam’s immigration status in the USA, while preparing for another return to the Philippines this fall. Chris is enjoying his second year of public school. After 3 years of development, we are launching the new HERO Foundry, with upcoming training events in Southeast Asia, new marketing services and leadership coaching.
I’m working on:
- Developing a 12-month Hero’s Journey-themed curriculum to help turn students into the powerful protagonists of their own stories.
- Preparing for our upcoming family reunion in the Philippines and Leadership Retreat in Krabi, Thailand (late November).
- Current 90 Day Habit Challenge: 30+ burpees EVERY DAY
- Re-reading Warrior Black Book by Garrett J. White
- Leading my inner circle members through a transformational 90-day challenge process across the Heroic Four Pillars (Mindset, Health, Wealth, Relationships) and weekly Kingdom Call mastermind.
I’m looking for:
- Small business owners, authors, speakers, educators, and brands seeking marketing and sales funnel help, membership site development, and learning management systems (LMS)/e-learning solutions
- Advisors and partners for the HERO Foundry
- Sponsors and speakers for a Hero’s Journey event series
If you have questions for me, unfortunately my time is exceptionally precious now. I can’t always respond properly to the amount of requests in my email inbox. It’s full of wonderful people, empowering feedback, and great causes I wish I could get behind, but I have to prioritize my time like never before. So if you have questions, best to keep them short – the best place to reach out to me is Twitter with something succinct.
As my projects and focuses change, I’ll do my best to update this page. Last update was September 2018.
You can follow my occasional email updates to be kept in the loop about what I’m working on.
Thanks to Derek Sivers for the inspiration for this page; add your own /now page here