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One of the earliest books my father gave me that ended up starting a revolutionary transformation of how I thought about money and wealth was Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.

Depending how long you’ve been on this planet and how far down the entrepreneurship or investing road you may be, Rich Dad, Poor Dad may very well be overly simplistic for you. But if you’re still relatively new on this journey, it’s a book I’d highly recommend you start with to learn how different people look at the world in drastically different ways, and how it can impact the quality of their lives.

Watch this TED Talk by Robert Kiyosaki about the expanding wealth and opportunity gap in the United States, and you may learn a few counterintuitive keys to why the rich keep getting richer, and why some people unfortunately remain stuck in a poverty mindset and a life of scarcity:

Robert Kiyosaki is an entrepreneur and the author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, the #1 bestselling personal finance book of all time. In his talk, he discusses the power of financial education and how it relates to income inequality.

Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes the world needs more entrepreneurs. With perspectives on money and investing that often contradict conventional wisdom, Robert has earned an international reputation for straight talk, irreverence, and courage and has become a passionate and outspoken advocate for financial education.

If you enjoy Monopoly and want to play a board game that will help you improve your financial literacy, I highly recommend Kiyosaki’s game CASHFLOW.

And if you read the book Kiyosaki recommends — Buckminster Fuller’s Grunch of Giants — let us know what you think in the comments below.


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