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I love this short, punchy video from my main man Daniel, one of my close friends and mentors. He introduced me to BJJ last year, and has taught me all kinds of mental jiu jitsu too. This is from 2015 but the lesson still applies:


Coming THIS Weekend: Jedi Hustle Training for Introverts and Lightworkers

Daniel Jebb Finnerty

Daniel with his love Amber, another great friend of mine and amazing human

Daniel Jebb Finnerty is a Sales Jedi who roams the world fighting evil, engaging in high adventure and teaching his system, Sales for Introverts & LightWorkers, to conscious entrepreneurs and hustlers. His system has been crafted over 17 years of sales experience where he progressed from laughably terrible to artistic mastery. On his journey Daniel noticed that the best people he knew who had the most to share with the world were often deeply uncomfortable with sales and therefore ineffective at manifesting their will into the universe. Daniel considers the teaching of his system to the LightWorkers of the world and the further mastery of his art as a personal responsibility and feels deeply honored and privileged to be able to do so and not have to eat Ramen noodles.

In the past few years Daniel has dedicated much of this life’s work to producing transformative retreats focused around Shamanic Plant Medicine, Conscious Business Development and Human Optimization through Yoga, Experience and Nutrition. His overarching dedication is to the expansion of human conscious and holding space for LightWorkers going through deeply transformative experiences.

Daniel is a frequent traveller but is headquartered in Costa Rica where he lives and works with his love and partner Amber Zuckswert from EpicSelf.

*Daniel’s mom calls him Jebby

Find him at ConsciousHustle.com, on Twitter, and Instagram for some great motivation and insight.

Coming this Sunday, check back here for our live broadcast:

Check World Timezones

There are up to 8 slots to join us LIVE on the call and ask Daniel your most important mindset questions

If you’d like to join us together on the live Hangout, and get a chance to speak directly with Daniel, ask about your business challenges, about sales, physical training, etc. or even if you have mental blocks you’d like us to work on during the call, please consider supporting the HERO Project and be one of the few live on the call with Daniel this Saturday:

$48 for the full Mindset Mastery Series

Private LIVE access invite to our exclusive masterclass series with Daniel Jebb Finnerty, SEAL Mindset Coach David DiFrancesco, Pro Heavyweight Boxer / Chess Master Ed Latimore, and more, starting this Sunday, Jan 22.

$19 for just this Workshop

Private LIVE access invite to our exclusive conversation with Daniel Jebb Finnerty this Sunday, Jan 22.

one of the retreat groups Daniel & Amber facilitate in Costa Rica

one of the retreat groups Daniel & Amber facilitate in Costa Rica

More wisdom from the Master:


