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We are a community of free thinkers from all walks of life around the globe, who come together in a spirit of cooperation and fellowship to empower one another to learn, grow, and conquer life’s challenges. We are always working and improving toward the next level — in our lives, our beliefs, and in business.

This community brings together many vibrantly different worldviews and cultures in a respectful and mature dialogue to understand each other and our world. Our shared belief is that we are powerful creators and can be the central heroes in our own lives, and our shared mission is to continually strive toward becoming the greatest versions of ourselves.


Step #1 if you’re brand new here:

The first Real-Life Hero I’d like to introduce you to is long-time member and generous supporter of the HERO Project, David DiFrancesco. David is a personal trainer, competition bodybuilder, and mindset mentor to young men going into elite combat units such as the Navy SEALs. He has been invaluable in helping shape many a mediocre, mere mortal into something much greater.

Watch the Mindset Workshop with David ›

When you’re able to set aside 1 hour to do this right, get a notepad and pen and get ready to take notes.

This is incredibly powerful stuff, and should be revisited frequently. The more you grow, the more you’ll get out of this material again on future review.


Download your Free 2017 Personal Mastery Guide

Get your copy of this powerful 2016 review and 2017 visioning and planning guide courtesy of my good friend Tim Walther, founder of Grand Dynamics (click the image below)

2017 personal mastery

Introduce Yourself in the Forums:

Please make the time to give a descriptive introduction of yourself when you have the chance, and let your fellow heroes know what your biggest goals are, and what change you’re focused on making in 2017.

Visit the Forums ›


Learn More About the Hero’s Journey

Over the course of 2017 and beyond, we will gradually unveil a fun, unique personal development framework based around Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” monomyth, with new exclusive videos, interviews, and content each month tackling how to optimize each of the five biggest pillar areas of your life — Mindset, Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Freedom.

We’ll take you through a journey of product creation, business building, income generating, mindset mastering, fitness bolstering, relationship flourishing, purpose discovering, incorporating, world traveling, mind expanding, love deepening, fatherpreneuring and much more, with new training, mini-courses, optional side missions, and featured “bosses” each month!

In the meantime, here are 17 hours of fabulous lectures from the legend himself, Joseph Campbell:

Discover More About Heroes & Myth ›

Other HEROIC Resources:

Thanks to Your Help We’ve Reached Over 50 Founding Members!

Our goal was to reach at least 50 advance crowdfunding backers to help support the HERO Project and make this learning platform a reality, and we’ve done it with your help! THANK YOU for being a part of this.

If you would like to further support the HERO Project mission and help empower us to develop the Hero’s Journey framework, and upcoming training and content even quicker, we graciously accept your donations of any amount, and we welcome you to please spread the word.

Donate to Support the Project ›
