Our Facebook page continues to have restricted access “to some Facebook features” on a WEEKLY basis, meaning posts don’t get published on the News Feed, and no matter how much effort I put into spreading the message, even subscribers do NOT get my updates.
Is it because of my beautiful travel photography? Is it because of discussing the Hero’s Journey and how individuals can overcome society’s victim narrative to become victors over their circumstances?
Is it because of the ideas and links I’ve brought light to? Here are some of the most controversial and “dangerous” ones below, some funny, many satirical, some serious.
You decide:
(NOTE: Most of the below was NOT posted to our HERO Foundry page OR the related HERO Project group, but in other unrelated FB groups I manage)
Nov 4, 2019
Annual Global Warming Policy Foundation Lecture
“Prof. Richard Lindzen confirms that the climate alarm is based on bogus science”
Oct. 29, 2019
“The ancient god Moloch has announced that in lieu of the actual blood sacrifice of your children, you can now simply force your kids to become transgender as an alternative.” 😂
Link: Moloch Announces Forcing Your Kids To Become Transgender Is Acceptable Form Of Sacrifice [from Babylon Bee – a satire website]
Oct. 25, 2019
I attempted to share this one for THREE days (unsuccessfully, even in my own private Workplace network) before I was able to, for some very strange reason. Then the restrictions really amped up.
Was it this?!? Or the other dangerous material below??
“Aristotle & Virtue Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #38”
Oct. 24, 2019
“Dude, you should start your own podcast!”
Joe Rogan Experience podcast #1368 with Edward Snowden
Oct. 24, 2019
Congratulations to the highly multicultural Justin Trudeau on his reelection!
“Justin Trudeau: Mr Dress-up” voiced by Owen Benjamin
Oct. 17, 2019
Isn’t this what Lucius Fox warned against?
“Joe Rogan | Are We Heading Toward a Surveillance State?”
Oct. 16, 2019
Joe Rogan on censorship recently…
Link to YouTube video Alex Jones Special Report – And Then They Came For Joe Rogan – 10/07/2019 “Video unavailable – This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.” BACKUP LINK HERE
Oct. 10, 2019
Oct 8, 2019
Epic troll!
“‘We Need to Eat the Babies!’ Climate Activist Confronts AOC at New York Town Hall”
Reference: behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund from the Stockholm School of Economics:
Oct. 6, 2019
Roseanne mentioned this
“Police raid looking into financial irregularities (Vatican) – BBC News – 2nd October 2019”
“We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves.
“But in doing that you save the world.
“The influence of a vital person vitalizes.”
–Joseph Campbell
Transform ONE MAN, and you can transform a family.
If you change a family, you can change a community. And if you change a community, you can begin to make the world a better place.
But it all starts with ONE MAN — the ONLY man you can change. That’s the man in the mirror…
Oct. 5, 2019
“‘Climate Change Trans Counselling’ by Will Franken (inspired by Greta Thunberg)”
Oct. 3, 2019
“So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will do so…”
“Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down”
Sept. 30, 2019
Beachfront property!
Don’t tell Al Gore😮
Link: Barack and Michelle Obama Are Buying This Island Retreat for $14.8M—and It’s Peculiar [Realtor.com]
Sept. 29, 2019
“The Coming Ice Age (1978) (Global Cooling) with Leonard Nimoy”
Sept. 24, 2019
Jaron Lanier, the Silicon Valley ‘computer philosopher’ shares how social media ruins your life:
“Jaron Lanier interview on how social media ruins your life”
Sept. 9, 2019
“NASA: Technology and The Lost Telemetry Tapes”
Includes REAL audio recordings of NASA Science Officer and Flight Engineer Don Petit, NASA Chief Flight Director Gene Kranz and Goddard Space Center Archivist David Williams
Sept. 1, 2019
Jeffrey Epstein… “a champion of science”
“Joe Rogan | Did Jeffrey Epstein Work for an Intelligence Agency?”
Aug. 10, 2019
Reposted from Owen Benjamin
July 11, 2019
Woman of the Year🏅
Link to YouTube video Caitlyn Jenner Confuses Norm Macdonald – “Video Unavailable” – This one the video was removed from YT and 5 comments on FB got “disappeared” somehow 😂 BACKUP LINK HERE
Jul. 4, 2019
“FARMLANDS (2018) | Official Documentary” by Lauren Southern
Jan. 19, 2019
In mid-January I discovered that I was not able to link directly to ANY particular psalm in the bulk of the entire book of Psalms via BibleStudyTools.com — restricted according to Facebook’s “Community Standards”.
Jan. 1, 2019
In a private group, I shared a link to a particular Bible verse (I have shared many of these over the last year+ with my wife) and it was flagged: “You can’t share this link.” Apparently the KJV version of this particular chapter, at least on this particular website for some reason, “violates their Acceptable Use Policy AND Community Standards.”
After 15 years of using social media, and sharing literally THOUSANDS upon thousands of links, this is the first time I’d ever been prevented from linking to anything.
Link to: Galatians 4 (King James Version) [BibleHub.com]
Oct. 11, 2018
Politics 101 lesson –
“Wrap Up Smear”
- WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Details ‘Wrap-Up Smear’ Technique. It Sounds Exactly Like The Kavanaugh Smear. [Daily Wire]
Sept. 6, 2018
Nobody talks about this:
Link: Planck Satellite Confirms WMAP Findings: Universe is not Copernican
“The Modern World is Faced with the Breach of a Far Reaching Paradigm”
- Wikipedia: Axis of evil (cosmology) — the Cosmic Microwave Background shows that “we are truly the center of the universe.”
Sept. 18, 2017
Most people may not realize just how “malleable” and fast-changing our records of “current events”, archives of history, and our access to information, are. I have noticed my own journalistic work, and nearly all documented memory of certain events, entirely scrubbed from the internet.
Link to: We’ve always been at war with Eastasia
“Orwell’s point in 1984 was that it’s more than just government Though Police. The people themselves participate, willfully, in ‘double think’.”
June 21, 2016
WTF. You can’t UNWATCH this. Could it be true?
Link to YouTube video Orlando Shooting Hoax Busted Wide Open — “Video unavailable.
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.” BACKUP VIDEO HERE
WHO in the world would go on media tours the morning after losing their children in a violent attack? The mother in this video is obviously reading off of cue cards (not that that PROVES anything conclusively, but it’s very suspicious her talking points). The alleged shooter Omar Mateen was a known actor, appeared in an obviously-staged “documentary” among other very strange titles. There were multiple proven actors involved in the event. There was SO much that stunk about this particular event, it blew up my perception of the news media and supposed “current events” forever.
June 2, 2016
in one or two hundred years, the history books will finally show how ISIS was a fake bogeyman entirely propped up by factions of the US government and international community – I just hope we get back to our principles as a country and stop setting people up for entrapment (as well as accepting civilian “collateral damage”) in the meantime
Link to: ‘Make It Look Like It’s ISIS’: A Fake Bomb, a Would-Be Terrorist, and an FBI Sting in Miami [VICE News]
“The FBI says it caught a terrorist trying to blow up a synagogue on the outskirts of Miami — but the FBI supplied the bomb as part of an undercover operation.”
April 19, 2016
‘According to Mara Gordon, the founder of Aunt Zelda’s, who has worked with over 600 patients, the process of activating the CB1 and CB2 receptors is crucial in the killing of cancer.
“When the CB1 and CB2 receptors are activated within the body,” she says, “they begin a chemical cascade that results in something called apoptosis, which is programmed cell death. That’s when the [cancer] cell actually commits suicide and dissipates in such a way where it leaves no residue, no harm within the body, no dead toxicity.”
One important point, Gordon adds, is that this process only kills cancer cells. “The healthy cells just fill the dissipated cell’s place and keep on their way.”’
Link to: Treating cancer with cannabis? Here is what the experts say.
April 19, 2016
Link to: National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer
- See my alternative cancer treatment research here
- Active Ingredient in Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells [ABC News]
- Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®)–Patient Version [National Cancer Institute]
- Scientific paper from the Journal of Clinical Investigation [JCI]