Are You Ready to Get UNSTUCK and Accelerate Your Mindset, Health, Wealth AND Relationships in the Year Ahead?

Join Us and Learn the #1 Comprehensive ‘Operating System’ Elite Entrepreneurs Trust that Will RADICALLY Accelerate Your Journey to Grow Your Business, Marriage & Life Exponentially in the Next 12-18 Months…

Stop Playing The Waiting Game My Friend…

Because It’s Time For You to Build YOUR Life Fueled By UNPARALLELED POWER, Purpose & Profits!

Enter the HERO Foundry Accelerator to Unleash the World’s #1 Trusted Operating System used by Elite Leaders and Top-Producing Entrepreneurs

Click the Button Below and TRANSFORM Your Life Today 🫵

“I have to tell you, you have opened my eyes to what is possible and our life will never be the same again. I now have a strong foundation and am concentrating on what I believe will be some monumental wins in the next year. When I started out, the online business world seemed like a murky, incongruent, frustrating mess. Now, I can see a very bright light at the end of the tunnel.”

From the Desk of Cody McKibben:

Your Entrepreneurial Hero’s Journey Facilitator, with 5 Years+ Experience LIVING and Leading as a Certified TRAINER in the the World’s #1 Training System for Elite Producers

Peak Perspective⚔️ I help Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs like YOU take back Control of the CHAOS & make the WORLD Their Oyster!

For over 18 YEARS, I have BLED to uncover the “Secrets” that the world’s most successful leaders and businessmen utilize to cut through the Chaos, wrestle CONTROL of the messy world around them, and Establish and EXPAND EMPIRES!

Here’s what I KNOW, after decades hunting the buffalo and pioneering my OWN path through the marketplace, experimenting with multiple business models and building (and BURNING!) projects around the WORLD, with teams across 4 continents…

The World Is In Chaos…

…and you’re standing right in the middle of it every damn day.

It seems that everything around you has a single mission.

To rip you to shreds.

To annihilate your dreams.

To deny you every opportunity so you can’t rise as a man of power.

Every morning you wake up with the same blazing frustration…

“How the hell did all this shit get stacked against me?!”

Yet somehow, someway…You find the courage to go on.

Again and again.

You still believe in your ability to create the life that’s been calling to you for decades…


But you keep coming up short.

And the only consistent thing you come to know is this…PAIN!

I should know.

Because It’s the Hell I Stumbled Through With a Broken Soul for Years.

Years where I felt condemned to a life of misery.

Where every sacrifice I made never had a real (lasting) payoff.

A life that was fucking empty.

I had to find a way out of my Pit.

And then one day, I REALLY Burned it ALL to the ground…

…and found myself at the bottom of a VERY Deep ABYSS!

This was a LIVING NIGHTMARE fueled by unspeakable HORRORS, Trauma (Yes, I was diagnosed with PTSD!), and endless Drama that made getting the day-to-day Grind work of being an Entrepreneur virtually IMPOSSIBLE.

But there wasn’t anything out there to guide a man to reclaim his capacity for Power (let alone his SANITY)… so that he might rise up and finally BE THE MAN.

The Man his wife NEEDS.

The Man his children DESERVE.

The Man who EVERYBODY around us is Waiting For, who can come along and LEAD the walking zombies out of the Land of the Dead, towards the Peak of POSSIBILITY.

So I went on a Quest…

And it took me over 6 YEARS to uncover the Science, System and Tools that will transform any regular Joe like You or Me into a living, walking Weapon of Limitless Expansion and Abundance.

It’s called the WARRIOR Operating System:

It’s THE most POTENT, Powerful holistic methodology I’ve found that covers ALL the bases.

And it’s the ONLY viable option out there if you want to LIVE AS A WARRIOR KING!

And so…

…TODAY is the day you can begin your own Quest brother…

So keep reading…

Imagine If You Had It All?

The shocking fact is that you probably can’t.

Because everything that you’ve been taught since the very beginning is that in order to achieve life-changing success in one area…

Everything else must be sacrificed.

That is the twisted game we’ve all been taught, trained, and educated to play as men.

A game where even when you win “BIG”…

You STILL fucking lose BIGGER!

If you’re any kind of entrepreneur reading this right now, you KNOW what I’m talking about!  We’ve ALL been guilty of destroying our bodies and health in the pursuit of Profits…  or BURNING the precious connection with your Spouse, your Children, or other close relationships while you juggle the many responsibilities of running your business…

But what if you could alter the way you play the game?

Imagine rising from your bed every morning with the unshakeable Certainty that every area of your life is limitless in its Abundance.

Where your Mindset, Health, Wealth AND Relationships…

…Are All Ablaze With a Fire of Prosperity That Leaves You Humbled Daily & Ready to Lead Your Family, Teams & Clients with Absolute Courage.

To stand in front of any mirror and see your body as a weapon.

Where your presence causes men who’ve accepted their “dad bods” as the status quo to feel the crushing weight of shame and moves them to take inspired action.

A body that constantly has your wife, your Queen, feeling magnetically pulled to you.

Where she doesn’t simply want you… She craves you!

And what about your spirituality?

Can you even remember the last time you felt connected to a higher power, a creative Source outside of yourself?

Now imagine walking through your days with the most profound sense of Connection to something SO MUCH Bigger than you.

So that you’re able to lean on and leverage a source of inexhaustible POWER that relieves the burden of feeling as if you’re all alone!

How far could you rise if this was your new reality?

Now give yourself a moment to visualize your family as they yearn for your presence, your leadership, your laughter…


Where Your Wife and Kids No Longer Feel Like a Burden You Can’t Carry… And Instead Are the BEACONS That Draw You HOME!

To a home that is overflowing with a Light that never ends.

Finally, you give yourself permission to sit in silence and reflect on what the standards inside your business have become.

Standards that would’ve seemed unreachable in the recent past.

But now your Money Game has become an unstoppable flow of Prosperity.

You are fucking elite as a Producer.

Where Your Business Provides Stacks of Cash Flow, Protection and Long-Term Wealth Building That Will Carry On Within Your Family For Generations.

This is what having it all can look and feel like.

It’s no damn pipe dream.

This isn’t fantasy bullshit.

These are the undeniable Results that come to men who (truly) commit themselves to the System and Science that we play inside the HERO Foundry.

I have been working with Cody for years learning the Hero’s Journey. Cody does a great job in providing value from weekly coaching calls to directed study. Based on our goals, Cody will share information that is valuable to what we are working towards. He has helped me go from scattered to focused in business. If you are looking for an excellent trainer that lives by the Truth, look no further than Cody.”

Do the Work Inside the HERO Foundry Accelerator, and You WILL Inevitably Reap the Harvest.

Are you ready to begin planting the seeds of your Limitless Abundance?

✨ The question is, are you ready to join the ranks of powerful Warrior HEROES and reignite YOUR life?

The time is now. Embrace your limited-time opportunity to rise as a Warrior KING, wielding the cutting-edge weapons of the WARRIOR Operating System, while you build Alliances with an international Council of fellow KINGS like yourself!

Click Below and ENROLL NOW👇

Join us as we Build, Launch, and Grow Empires inside an Accelerated WEALTH Lab — mastering Money Mindsets, working on Offer Creation, learning Copywriting, Sales & Marketing, Persuasive Psychology and Elite Leadership skillsets!

I am so grateful for your program. I should tell you that I have been planning this a long time… trying to figure it ALL out on my own, but finding you gave me the courage to help me feel safe enough to pull the trigger and get out on my own 100%. I am still a bit nervous, but I know that the time has come. I am supremely grateful for the guidance and community you have created.”

Training and Group Coaching with Cody McKibben

Participate in LIVE, regular group trainings, and benefit from the extensive HERO Library of on-demand courses we’ve developed since 2006.


Follow along as we lay out a Holistic BLUEPRINT — systematically working through the Weaponized Frameworks of the CODE, the CORE, the STACK, the DOOR, and the GAME — a comprehensive, gamified Operating System that enables you to Live a Challenge-Based Lifestyle in Alignment towards Accelerating Real-World RESULTS.

As you increase your Understanding and Commitment to LIVE this Principle- and Purpose-Driven Lifestyle, you will Awaken SOUL PURPOSE Clarity that helps you Experience Prosperity across your Mindset, Health, Wealth, AND Relationships!

And as you Identify and Orient Yourself Towards YOUR own unique “North Star”, we will equip you with the Accountability, Strategies and Tools to stay on Trajectory towards your “IMPOSSIBLE” Targets and weaponize you with the Secrets of WARRIOR WEALTH.

Consider the HERO Foundry Accelerator your 🧠’Business Incubator’, grassroots 📚School of Entrepreneurship, and 🔬’Personal Growth Laboratory’ as you learn not only how to Create Wealth for Yourself, but also how to Establish & Secure Your Legacy, developing Prosperity that overflows into the lives of those around you!


Soul Purpose and Warrior Wealth curriculum

Cody is a superhero. His excitement to share his wisdom about business and life helped me break through obstacles again and again over the past four months. If you want to escape your false constraints and live life on your own terms, you’d do well to listen to him.

Listen. This. Simply. WORKS.

This Is NOT Guess-Work, Hyped-Up Hippie BS, Or Recycled Ideas. So What Is It?

Your Dedicated Lifestyle Design Laboratory Where We’ll Unleash Your Inner Power

And the Unwavering Certainty to Produce Bigger Results, Find Purpose In Your Profits, Protect Your Creations, and Expand Your Legacy

HERO Challenge MasterMind groupThe HERO Foundry Accelerator is our own SECURE, private classroom and social network where you get to Bond, Connect and Create Powerful Associations with Powerful Men and Women who, like you, not only Live By a CODE and Share the Same Challenges & Desires As You, but Who Are COMMITTED to Creating and Experiencing Life with MORE Power, MORE Profits, and MORE Purpose.

After a decade of creating proven results inside the lives of thousands of KINGS & QUEENS

…it is now no longer even arguable.

Instead, it has become undeniable:

This Simply WORKS Every Time A Man Shows Up Committed to Learn, Open to Change, Coachable, and Prepared to DO the Work Required to GET the Results You Desire


No one can do the work for you…

…and this is NOT going to save you.

Yet what awaits you inside allow you to save years or even decades of Guess-work and Painful Mistakes, AND? It has the POWER to…

  • Help you Predictably Access POWER to Produce RESULTS not just in one area – but in ALL areas of your life; all at the same time…
  • Help you break free from the limiting beliefs & destructive behaviors keeping you STUCK Inside the Chaos of Scarcity; preventing you from Having It All…
  • Help you Unlock MORE Power & Purpose inside your sex life, bank account, fitness, spirituality, relationships, leadership, and more…
  • Help you Create LEVERAGE on yourself to finally Get LASTING Momentum in your life so you can Ultimately Both Protect & Exponentially EXPAND Your Results.
  • Help you sky-rocket your business(es), re-ignite relationships, get ripped & find unwavering certainty.

But again.

This doesn’t come for free, and requires you to GO ALL IN trusting a process proven by thousands before you.

Here’s Just a Handful of Them…

“It’s definitely a long term commitment to create the new version of yourself. But, to be able to see the changes happening and know you’re going the right way is great. I’ve never seen a productivity tool quite like this. To have the parameters of an entire life worth of achievement gameified like this is quite amazing. To have daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals planned out and a strategic methodology to accomplish them will change my entire life.”

“The strongest computer in the world is US …our operating system needs to be built Cody thank you so much for sharing your insights and blueprints from previous experience! That is pure gratification for all of us. Thank you for showing up every day in every way looking for your own path to help your other brothers. I just want to let you know from the bottom my heart that I appreciate you. This dude is real, raw, relevant and he is getting the fucking massive results that he deserves.”

“Without long term vision I cannot define significant short term actions to strategically move my life and my kingdom forward. I become a wandering generality. I am a ship without a rudder spinning in circles. I must have a clear vision of the Impossible Game. The vision drives the missions. The missions define my actions. Everything is strategic. What is the new story, the new narrative, and the new belief that I must LIVE everyday as a KING expanding his kingdom and his legacy? To build a global empire requires massive vision but even more importantly it requires massive BELIEF!”

“This system is brilliant. I just finished the Fact Maps, and it blew me away. I’ve never seen such a good goal setting and accountability system in my life. This has encouraged me to see the bigger picture and what is important to my life. I was like a vessel in the ocean with no direction or destination now the vision is becoming more clear and allows me to focus on what I truly want out of life. Things that actually serve me rather than things that lead me to death. My life and actions are a living testimony to me and without action my life would lack in direction and purpose.”

“Stop. Submit. Struggle. Strike! That STACK journaling framework is huge. Most of us haven’t been aware of even stopping in situations where we’re triggered. We just Respond and React and then spin out from there. Just being aware of this and learning how to reframe before we strike is huge.

“For me this whole process was an intervention from God, I feel it and am aware of His presence for the first time deeply in my heart. I have rage and I have hurt the ones that I love. I have had empires and walked away or burned them down… Everyday I wake up and do a gratitude stack to God and it puts me into a positive path for my day.”

“Cody is a great student, teacher, coach, and leader who has enabled me to understand the actions I must take to make progress on my journey building an executive coaching business.”

“Sometimes it’s hard to give up our old ways of doing things and completely trust a new process, but like you I also believe we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, and this process is very productive.”

“The HERO Foundry is a special opportunity where, no matter where I am, I can jump on a call and share both the failures and successes of our businesses. That’s really important, because not a lot of people really understand what’s going on when you have so much depending on you, so many people depending on you…”

This Is Your Opportunity to UNLEASH THE HERO Inside YOU!


summit 3 soul purposeI don’t say this lightly.

It would be devastating for you to ignore the urgency of this moment.

The world is rapidly shifting in real time, and Your Spouse, Your Children, Your Teams and Your Clients are Looking to YOU to Powerfully Lead with Certainty.

So right now you must make a decision to let me help you WAKE UP, Awaken Your FIRE & Certainty, PIVOT the Trajectory of Your Life, and RISE UP As a Powerful KING (or Queen)…

…Who Consistently Produces MORE Power, MORE Profits, and MORE Purpose Leveraging the Proven Cutting Edge Weapons of the WARRIOR Operating System.

Get Your Weekly Vitamin C When You Secure Your Seat Inside the Unrivaled HERO Foundry Accelerator Program TODAY

Join Cody McKibben as he Leads you from What He LIVES, Sharing His Own Discoveries & Experiences from:

  • Traveling and Living Across 4 Continents
  • Building and Selling 3 Successful Businesses
  • sharing the Hero’s Journey of Entrepreneurship…
  • Fatherhood in a Multi-Cultural Family…
  • Digging out of the DEEPEST imaginable ABYSS of PTSD, despair and suicidal hopelessness after encountering child trafficking and Satanic ritual abuse HORRORs…
  • Overcoming massive SEDATION, self-destructive unhealthy habits, kicking smoking and other addictions…
  • …and the Challenges you face RIGHT NOW as a Rising Leader, a Creator, and a KING or a QUEEN devoted to chasing God’s CALLING in Your Life!

your Certified WARRIOR Trainer

Regular Tuition: $10,000 One-Time or $2,500+ Annually

Begin YOUR Journey inside the HERO Foundry Accelerator For Just $147/month $88/mo TODAY!

This Limited-Time Special Tuition Will NOT Last Forever

Will You Go ALL IN On Yourself?

Russ Perry Design Pickle


Russ created a life most will never experience, and shows you what’s inarguably possible with the Warrior Operating System. He has grown his business from 6-figures a year to $1M a Month; while Igniting His Marriage and parenting life with Purpose, Love, Intimacy & Connection.

Cullen Talley


Scared to even believe ‘Having It All’ could be possible and become a reality for him, Cullen made implementing this elite Operating System his top priority. What he found were Answers, Purpose, a Divine Desire to Create, and the life he ultimately wanted for himself, his wife, and his family.

Nick Long


Growing his business from $300k/year to $3.5M, and on the fast-track to $7M, Nick faced the ‘Trifecta of Insanity’ of being a Husband, a Father, and a Businessman. Dying on the inside, he was ready to burn it ALL to the ground. Leveraging the Warrior Operating System helped him find his fight again, and his truth.

AZ Araujo


A.Z. and his wife were about to burn it all: their business, their marriage, and the lives they had built together. On the verge of Losing It ALL, they leveraged this revolutionary Operating System to double down on their marriage, and their business… Learning the Warrior OS is how they unified and created an Empire… TOGETHER!


Successful Financial Planner and Investor Mike Isom had built steam on his second ascent towards big success, and was searching for a better System to ensure its growth while pouring time and attention into his family. One of the very FIRST to implement this successful Operating System; Mike’s story of resilience over tragedy is remarkable.

Michael Buffinton


With a 13+ year long friendship and mentorship blowing up, losing a 6-figure business deal, and a son struggling with addiction, Michael found himself LOST and powerless. This system helped him unlock his POWER and Purpose as a businessman and a leader, re-ignite his marriage, and UNIFY his family.

It’s Time to Get Off the Sidelines.